Neal Schuerer is a leader in The National Article Movement. Neal’s experience as a 2 term Iowa State Senator confirmed that the only solution to reconcile the union is responsible constitutional restoration. Whether it is the state or the federal constitution, bold leaders need to step up and lead this movement. A “New Birth of Freedom” is needed to reorder the relationship between the several states and the national government they created.

The Constitution of the United States of America provides the proper vehicle to accomplish this mission. Under Article V, the several states have a right to call a convention to propose amendments that address the concerns of the citizens. the states and the nation.

Neal believes with all his heart that: Laws control the citizens; the Constitution controls the government. We as citizens of the United States have the right and duty to bring about the responsible restoration to our founding document that reflects the values of the people and the nature of free and independent states.

Neal serves as President of Path To Reform a joint action agreement with Campaign Constitution a 501(c)3 non-profit public interest organization.

In addition, Neal advises the Article V Caucus of State Legislators’, Article V Academy of States Coalition, Heartland Institute’s Center for Constitutional Reform as a Policy Export and represented Iowa as a Commissioner to the Balanced Budget Amendment Planning Convention of States called by the State of Arizona September 2017. As a Citizen@Large, Neal serves as a community policy advisor to citizens, elected officials and all types of organizations.

Neal has spent his entire career working with people, developing lifelong relationships, directing and influencing positive outcomes. He has used this quality successfully as CM Lamborn’s District Director, Director of Development for the Glen Eyrie Group the camp and conference ministry of The Navigators, as a business owner and community volunteer. Schuerer served in the Iowa State Senate for eight years before moving to Colorado in 2006. Schuerer is respected by his colleagues as a coalition builder and problem solver. Schuerer also helped Iowa develop its 2006 Pledge for Progress, a road map for economic prosperity.