Is the PCC partisan?

Definitely not. The PCC is a completely nonpartisan entity. Its focus is on the structural issues which are necessary to maintain a healthy balance of authority and power between the states and the federal government. These matters impact and concern all states regardless of their political leanings. Each state is completely free to appoint their delegates as they chose to do so and political party affiliation is not a concern of the PCC.

Is the PCC a government entity?

Yes, it is a governmental entity. It is a commission which was established by the states to represent the states and to be a voice for the states in a unified fashion. It has been officially recognized as a government entity.

How are delegates appointed?

The PCC is comprised of 100 permanent delegates – one from each legislative chamber of most states, and two delegates from Nebraska as the sole unicameral state legislature. Each legislative chamber is free to choose their particular delegate (as well as alternates) to represent that chamber on the PCC. There is a rather straightforward and simple Delegate Appointment form to be completed and filed with the Executive Director of the PCC.

A copy of the appointment form can be found here. This is to be returned by email to the PCC Executive Director, W. Bruce Lee, at or by mail to PO Box 1862, Loomis, CA 95650.

Note: The same individual may be assigned to represent both the House and Senate; and the individual(s) selected does not necessarily have to be an elected member to either the House or Senate. However, the norm is to select different elected, sitting members from each chamber.

Do you only focus on Article V?

No, the PCC uses a variety of tools to further the mission and purpose of the PCC. While the PCC monitors the progress of passage of Article V resolutions by the states, it also serves as a committee for correspondence between the states, Congress and the people among other duties. It is therefore a forum of communication between the states and coordinates with Congress (as well as the people) on matters of common concern.